In the framework of our mission to nurture young innovative, entrepreneurial ideas into meaningful projects and eventual partnerships, our M & M Ivanaj Foundation Institut is introducing a unique collaboration with the United Nations Youth Association of Albania (UNYA) in their MUN Albania 2019 initiative.
Our two NGOs aim to leverage our combined strength in advancing knowledge for Albanian youth and expertise in building successful educational experiences. Coupled with our shared values we are excited to provide the venue for the MUN Albania 2019 conference, which will take place on our premises from the 4 thru the 8 of December.
MUN Albania is an educational emulation, in which young people can learn more about diplomacy, international relations, and the United Nations. The aim is to promote and foster the culture of multilateralism, dialogue, international cooperation, in dealing with fundamental issues and recent global developments.
Driven by a common goal, both parties, the Ivanaj Foundation and UNYA Albania are focused on making positive changes for Albanian youth. This project directly enhances skills such as public speaking, networking, negotiating, foreign language and other interpersonal skills.
Our functional spaces are key in simulating realistically high-level meetings and discussions of international organizations. Working together, we hope to provide a memorable MUN experience for the young participants.